Friday, February 01, 2008

5:47 and sick as a dog...

So, I've been up since 3. yup...3 am. not feeling so hot. so i'm blogging to take my mind off it. Nathan just went to work and told me to try and go back to bed, but I can not handle tossing and turning any more. I might as well get something productive accomplished.
Here are some new fun pictures that I've taken of Beckett lately. The first 4 were blown up at his birthday party. I'll post pictures of that as soon as I get them uploaded. Maybe if I still can't sleep in an hour they'll be posted then.
Other than how I feel right now, life is good. Beckett is a big walker these days- it's fun to see him strut his stuff. He just had his 1 year immunizations, took it like a girl, and screamed bloody murder the whole time. His face got super red, and he looked at me like 'how dare you!'
Oh, and I just want all of Nathan's brothers who read this to look carefully at what Beckett's shirt says (and where it comes from).
Alright, blogging has worn me out. I'm headed back to bed.


Mormon Mama said...

I wish I were there to take care of Beckett for you and let you sleep in! The pics were great.

Mormon Mama said...
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the fellers said...

awwwww...he is so cute~ I am sorry you are sick, wish there was something I could do for you! Hope you feel better soon! He is walking! YAY....pros and cons though eh? Crazy, I love the picture where he is walking, the look of determination on his face is priceless....I cant wait to see more pics of his party and such! talk to you soon...oh...I LOVE the new look...

katherine said...

Three things:
1. I can't believe Beckett is one!!! He's just too cute to believe.
2. I'm so sorry you're sick--get better soon!
3. Yay for Chicago! I absolutely love it here (except for the weather) and I totally think you guys should come! There are masses of LDS students here (7 in Shane's class alone--yes, that's masses outside of BYU), and there are so so so many opportunities for after graduation. But I'm sure that will be the case wherever Nathan attends.

Josephine said...

You take such good pictures, granted the subject is super duper cute. Hope you feel better soon.

WesExpress said...

Hey Lindsey this is Alissa Morris. Your blog is so cute. I love the backdrop. Count on you to have the super creative cute blog. I hope Beckett's feeling better.

Anonymous said...

I took a closer look at that shirt, "I am a BIG DEAL" It took me a second to stop laughing. What a kid...

Mr. Roberts said...

...he's very important. He has many leather-bound books and his apartment smells of rich mahogany.

Ah, my nephew the language of your aunt Paula's ancestors - Feliz Cumpleanos!

Anonymous said...

Hey Roberts,
Hope you are feeling better. I heard about your new business and that sounds great Linds. You are so good at all that stuff. How's life in California treating you?
We are doing good. We got some more snow this week, everyone is getting really sick of it, but I think it's pretty. Adelynn is doing so many new things she is so fun. I love being a mommy. Can't believe Beckett's walking. How fun is that? I'm just sending off a little birthday present for you too, sorry it's so late. I know I'm horribly late. I'd love to chat with you some time.

Brooke said...

Those pictures are awesome, love the black and white! Beckett is such a handsome, big boy. I can't believe how fast they grow up!!!

Anonymous said...

new post, por favor?