Monday, October 17, 2011

He's Here!

As promised, we are so happy to announce the arrival of
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Oliver Hall Roberts


He indeed arrived on Friday at 5:50pm (12:50 am Friday morning for all of you) weighed in at 8 lbs. 4 oz. (3.83 kilos) and measured 20 1/2 inches long.

A quick overview of the day:


Nathan and I went in at 8am for my scheduled induction. The doctor came in about 8:45 and broke my water and we chilled until the anesthesiologist came in at 10:30 for the epidural. I figured I was getting one anyway, but didn't realize it would be administered before they even hooked me up to the pitocin. That was given soon after and my contractions started, and they increased the dosage every half hour. I don't know how anyone opts for the pain...I was so comfy cozy chillin all the day long. Love those drugs.



At about 5pm I knew something had changed, and sure enough he was ready. The delivery was the best yet, super quick and he came out pink and perfect.



I have had a fabulous recovery. Aside from losing a lot of blood during delivery, the whole thing was textbook and he's eating, pooping, and sleeping like a champ.

Now I'll shut up and show you the rest of the pics.





On Saturday morning Nathan brought the boys in to meet their little brother. Beckett was immediately interested in holding him, and sat like this for almost 5 minutes. When we asked Wil if he wanted to hold baby brother, he waved us off and replied casually, 'no baby, no baby'. He did come around after about an hour and was very intent on touching all of his facial features.



I'm not one for hospitals, so even though standard issue for normal deliveries is 4 nights here in Australia (yes, I'm serious!), I asked to go home the next day. When I asked my nurse what needed to be done in order to leave, she said she'd have to check as she'd never discharged someone the day after.

Home from the hospital



After his first bath


We're so glad he's here!





Margaret said...

Congratulations, Nathan and Lindsay! He's beautiful.

the fellers said...

Oh! I am so happy for you guys!! I am so glad things went/are going so well!! Makes it do much easier when you have two other munchkins! And who does he look like...a good mix of both boys? He is so cute! Loves!

Jill said...

Yay Linds congrats!!! I didn't know you were due so soon, Care just told me about a month ago you were expecting! So exciting. And I love his name! One of my faves but I never could use it since Ollie Alston sounds not so good. Such a cute baby! Congrats again.

Megan said...

Congratulations! He is precious! I love the picture of Beckett holding Oliver! Priceless! I also love how Wil wanted nothing to do with him... got to love big brothers! So happy that everything went well and you are now officially a family of 5!!!

becca olsen said...

Congrats Lindsay! He is beautiful just like his brothers! Take care!

agirlnamedgay said...

linds he looks just like he belongs to you guys! glad everything went so well. maybe one of these days we'll actually get to meet him! xoxo

Melissa Ekman said...

Linds you look so cute pregnant and he is so lovely. Congrats!

Carrie said...

Congratulations Linds & Nathan. Oliver is so handsome, and it's fun to see pics of him and the boys. Glad he's here safe and sound. I miss you and love you guys!

Ryanne said...

OH I love him so much. He is such a cutie and I'm so happy you posted so many pictures. Keep them coming. This aunt needs to see her nephews. I am so glad you are doing well.

Anonymous said...

I am so happy everything went well. He is so sweet, and I love those photos of Beckett holding Oliver.

Cindy said...

SO excited for you guys! He's so cute! Can't believe we both had three boys :)

Jamie said...

Congratulations! He is absolutely beautiful, thank you for sharing!

PacPaliGoulds said...


Babu and Shosho said...

Fun to see Oliver on here too. Thanks for the commentary about your day of delivery. He looks so wonderful and so do the rest of you. I wish I was closer to come see you myself. Oh well, I'll just have to wait. Love you all, Mom

Crystal said...

Congrats guys! He looks so perfect!

Crystal said...

Congrats guys! He looks so perfect!

Carole Ann & Jon said...

congrats Lindsay!! He is handsome! Your family is so adorable. I love the picture of the boys holding there brother!

Andrew said...

Congrats guys! Can't wait to meet him.