Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Tough break


Big Dub has had a rough month. Aside from dropping a brick on his toe on Christmas Day, he's also managed to burn his wrist on the toaster and break his leg at the park. Truth be told, that last one wasn't the little guy's fault. A brief synopsis: Nathan was swinging with Wil in his arms, the ground was wet, when Nathan stepped off the swing he slipped, and somehow in the process Wil's little tibia got munched. It was a very small fracture, so small, in fact, that there was neither swelling nor bruising. Thus, I didn't take him in for a few days, figuring a small sprain or something minor was keeping him from walking. It was definitely an AMM *awesome mom moment* when the doctor came out and showed me the x-rays. Yeah, I'm a good parent.





Well, the cast came off yesterday, and I have to give kuddos to my little guy for his amazing performance with the cast. Truly, not a minute of despair at having to drag around the heavy cast. He didn't complain for a second when it rubbed little callouses on his toes and thigh and he even figured out how to walk on it for the last couple of days. We called him peg-leg as he wobbled around on it; the cast ensured the knee was bent so he had to bend his other leg to compensate. People who witnessed the hobble weren't sure whether to express concern and sympathy, gawk in horror, or burst into laughter. I just giggled. He was just that much cuter as a little peg-leg pirate.
The whole experience could have been a lot worse--obviously the break could have been more severe. We were also fortunate to get a waterproof cast (did you know they even made these?) and take the cast off ourselves, no saws required. Just unwrapped it like a present.




And what a gift it is to have my little crazy man back to his usual tricks. He's not yet stable on it, but he's giving it 100% and I have no doubt I'll be chasing him down the isle at the grocery store soon enough.


Margaret said...

Lindsay, I've had some of those awesome mom moments. Once our Ben broke his collarbone and we didn't realize it until a day or two later when it was all sunken in and he was totally refusing to use his arm. But don't worry--he won't even remember it :)

Megan said...

What a great little guy you have! I hate those *AMM* too! I'm glad you choose to smile/giggle instead of another reaction! You're a great "Mum" and I'm glad he is on his way back to being his amazing little self! Who knows, you actually might miss the cast when you really are chasing him down a store isle!

the fellers said...

OH NO...poor little man, he is so stinkin cute though!!

Cass said...

I have to laugh....My sister got her leg broken in almost the same way when she was about the same age. My dad was swinging with her on the swings and it kind of slid out from under him and her leg got broken in the process. So know you're not the only ones!

Erinn said...

Poor little guy. I had a similar, Mom moment this week. Eliot burned his finger on my flat iron. Every time I see the little burn, i feel just a little bit worse.

Hope all is well Down Under.

Cindy said...

Ooh, ouch! I thought Parker may have done the same thing ice skating the other day - I talked to a nurse and she said that sprains don't really occur in kids under a certain age and that it's almost always a break! Luckily, his was just a bruise. I'm so glad Will is better!

bklain said...

Oh I love him. Love the bath picture especially. Hooray for having the cast off :) I guess the not-taking-your-kid-to-the-doctor karma has come around to you.. not that you deserve it after your wrists incident. ha. Love you guys.

2x2momma said...

Definitely the cutest little pirate I've ever seen ;)

Anonymous said...

One of the saddest-cutest post ever! Hope things continue to get better!

Anonymous said...


I was wondering if you accept guest posts? I have an event that I would like to tell you about, that incorporates dancing and how it relates to fitness and staying healthy. Primrose Schools is hosting a Dance Off competition (with proceeds going the Children's Miracle Network Hospitals) for families and I think it is something you and your readers would enjoy!

I look forward to hearing from you!

Thank you,
Emily Patterson

Babu and Shosho said...

Hi Linds,
Somehow I missed this post. I was happy to see so many of Wil in his cast. I remember my AMM with you, and still feel awful! It's obviously part of parenting. I love you all!