Monday, May 05, 2008

My hubby

So, I’ve been tagged numerous times now, and I realize it is bad blog-etiquette to not respond to being tagged. So, I’m combining Shantays and Gays tags, both about Nathan. I figured you didn’t want to read two (let alone one) husband tags. So, here’s to you sweetie.

What is your husband's name?

Nathan Allred

How did you meet your spouse?

Nathan was just back from his mission, and I was a freshman at BYU-I. We met in the bookstore, and he helped me find my books. He’d been instructed by top management to help all the cute girls find their books…or so the story goes.

Where did you go on your first date?

Since Nathan is such a high-roller he took me to the drive in theater where we watched a cheesy Mormon flick about some ballerina chick. They were supposed to play Singles Ward, which is a much higher quality movie.

How long have you been together?

We’ve known each other for almost 6 years, and have officially been together almost 5 of those years.

Who eats more?


Who said I love you first?

Nathan. This is a funny story. He came to Canada the summer after we’d met to see me, and one night we were hanging out with a bunch of my high school friends. We went up to Waterton National Park and were walking around the docks down by the lake, but the rest of the group was above the water, just out of ear shot. He’d been acting mysterious all night, and finally I asked him about it. That’s when he dropped the L-bomb. I was not at all expecting it, and needless to say my reaction was not what he was expecting. He stepped backwards away from me, but caught his foot in the space between the two docks, and went down backwards, taking me with him. Everyone else heard the commotion and looked down just in time to see us both topple over. It was hilarious.

Who is taller?

It depends on what shoes I’m wearing.

He is.

Who sings better?

Me, but he’s not bad.

Who is smarter?

Definitely Nathan.

Who does the laundry and the dishes?

I think he’s done the laundry once. And a few months ago (after living here for a year and a half) he asked me where the drinking glasses were kept.

Who is more clean?


Who sleeps on the right side of the bed?

It depends. Right now he does.

Who pays the bills?

I try. But quicken really confuses me.

Who mows the lawn?

What lawn?

Who cooks dinner?

Always me, unless we’re grilling.

Who has more siblings?

He does. By two.

Who drives when you are together?

Him. I can’t stand his back seat driving.

Who is more stubborn?

We’re both pretty hard headed. But probably Nathan.

What do you like to do together?

Be at the beach, talk about the future, watch Seinfeld, eat out, play Rook, bike…

Who is the first to admit when they’re wrong?

Always me. I’m the peacemaker.

Who’s parents do you see the most?

It’s pretty equal.

Who kissed who first?

Nathan kissed me.

Who proposed?

He did an amazing job. There were fireworks. Literally.

Who’s more sensitive?

Me. Especially when I’m pregnant.

Who has more friends?

I’m better at making friends. He’s great at maintaining friendships.

Who wears the pants in the family?

We both have a variety of pants. Jeans, sweats, dress slacks… No really, it depends on the issue.

Best features?

His long eyelashes, and smile.

What is his best quality?

There are three:

1. His encouragement and support.

2. He's such a great dad.

3. His conviction to the things he knows to be true.


ashlee said...

You guys are so cute. I loved the comment about the drinking glasses because I could definitely see that being true.

Becca said...

You are so sweet! I loved all the pictures of your boys!

Marc said...

I would agree with all of that. Especially the long eyelashes and his smile.

the fellers said...

I promise I laughed out loud when I read about when he said I love you...I was there, and remember it well! haha...good times...

Nanette said...

I can't wait to hear more details on the proposal complete with fireworks! Who get that?!

Mr. Roberts said...

I have a great love for the Nerf - a love that knows (pause for effect) no bounds.