Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Yes...she's engaged!!!

Okay...so I've gotten a lot of grief because I didn't inform everybody personally about Beth's engagement. So, here it is...

Lindsay Michelle Hall Roberts
is pleased to announce the engagement of her sister
Elizabeth Danielle Hall
Brenan Alan Klain
Brother of many other Klains
on Friday, November 23, 2007

There it is...now everyone needs to stop giving me such a hard time about this.
No, seriously though...I am so excited for Beth and Brenan. They are honestly so great together...the perfect fit. And who would have thought that they'd find each other at the BYU? I am looking forward to having Brenan as a brother-in-law and am excited for the wedding.
These pictures are actually from the night they got engaged...Cute huh!?!


the fellers said...

ahhhh...too cute! I am so excited for her! I hope the wedding plans and such are going good! You should have had shon do up that announcement for you and then sent it out to everyone, to be more formal you know.... ;)

allisonlaurel said...

Yay for BETH!!!

Brooke said...

Beckett is becoming such a charmer! I LOVE that age and it just gets better the older they get! Congrats on your sister's engagement, I love that stage of life...so fun!

ashley marie said...

lindsay roberts -- this is ashley from IS. how are you? hey I'm wondering where you got your blog skin (I love it) and how you posted it. I must know :)